Jul 5, 2018


In the midst of the craziness of life, my BF made an elaborate plan to sneak me away for a day filled with surprises!
She perfectly planned out the escapade and had me pack the snacks. As we drove to our secret destination, she had me pull out my gifts one by one, all perfectly timed according to our distance.

When we were 10 minutes away, I opened the last bag and was perplexed at my clues. But after staring at the wings before me long enough, I made a random guess and was, joyfully, spot on.

We were headed to the Butterfly Pavilion!

We gleefully dawned our butterfly garbs, receiving many oos and ahhs from fellow enthusiasts as we skipped into the habitat, and immediately upon entering became targets for the natives.

This one hitched-hiked on M the whole way around the pavilion. I think he fell in love!

Butterflies flittered around, with little girls hunting after them in sheer awe trying to catch one to take home.

We were no different!

It was like a mini jungle in the pavilion, a climate I very much appreciated.

And hidden beneath the foliage were surprises for those daring to sneak and peak.

We watched as the butterflies ate their lunch

And everywhere we turned, we found flowers and papillons galore!

If you ever feel yourself starting to get a bit too old, grab your friend, dawn a colorful cape, stop by, and flutter around a bit. I guarantee you'll leave feeling five years old again and as free as a butterfly!

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